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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Barbara Louise Holmes - KDTN BlogTalk Radio Widget

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The Ties That Bind - Railroads of the Colorado Eastern Plains with Barbara Louise Holmes

LIMON CO (IFS) A treaty had been signed in Washington and a reservation set up at Sand Creek. Water was an issue then and water is an issue now. There just isn’t enough of it. So where is the tie in between Indians, railroads and an ever expanding population? As far as the abandoned railroad line goes the tie in lies in chemistry. The word to ponder is alkali. Put two and two together and one comes up with a problem. Alkali and trains don’t mix. Once upon a time, trains needed water to function properly. So in the early days of the 1950’s this line was removed from active service. However, checking through the registry of abandoned rail lines, this line that stretches from Pueblo to Missouri was not listed. I love a mystery so that’s what prompted Ken and me to make another trip out to Eads. We decided to follow the line as far as Missouri, if necessary, to find out why. We really didn’t have to travel far from Sheridan Lake. In the town of Brandon which is situated just minutes from the Kansas border we came upon dozens of rusting rail cars. The graffiti which covers their sides does nothing to improve their appearance. The mystery was solved. These abandon tracks have now become the parking lot for countless derelict cars. As a result this line is not considered abandoned. Eye sore aside, I need to stick to the subject at hand which is water. I know it would be an exercise in futility to ask the railroad company why abandoned railcars dot the landscape not only here but elsewhere in Colorado. However, as I see it the problem is environmental. Rotting wood, rusting metal and whatever when mixed with rain water makes for an unhealthy cocktail. To add to the problem, this part of the world has an overabundance of natural minerals in its water table. Let’s take a closer look at water. Even though much of the earth is covered in water, only a small percentage of it is drinkable in its current form. So chemical contamination coupled with climatic forces and adding a population explosion can lead to a water problem. As I see it, a diminishing resource up against an increased demand for this finite resource could lead to murder.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


LIMON CO (IFS) - Speaking with Novelist Barbara Louise Holmes about General Stanley McChrystal's Situation, she had this to say, ". . .McChrystal's no fool, and there has to be a good reason for his name calling, and I would not be a bit surprised if there would be a political agenda to his words. Holmes places him among one of the "brightest" generals in the history of the United States, and as such, this error in judgement was done for a reason. Holmes, whose father was a naval officer during World War II, who saw duty in the Pacific theater of operations, gives her an understanding of the military mindset, as with her own years of service in the military, especially in the legal departments, she understands the responsibility of command of what can and can not be said between the civilian and the military side."

Holmes, starts off the conversation, like this . . ." A Hole of His Own Making - is the cry among the military leaders. McChrystal wanted away out of the box, and to establish himself as 2012 elections as a true leader, as he has worked for the administration, and they did not listen. So Tea Partiers, this is your moment in history, a handsome young white man, four star general, with a voice of defiance for authority, and a true leader for the party, I give you 2012 Presidential Candidate Stanley McChrystal" - this June 23, 2010, Barbara Louise Holmes.

By Steve Clemons - June 22, 2010, 9:40AM
Barack Obama has an easy choice to make: fire a general who has established a culture of insubordination and indifference toward civilian leaders and partners in government or defer yet again to a general who acquires power like medals every time he outwits or outmaneuvers the White House.
General Stanley McChrystal went over clear lines in the debate about the surge into Afghanistan with freelance comments he made in London. Recently, McChrystal stated that the move into Kandahar would slow and threw into doubt confidence in a July 2011 drawdown start date. He didn't consult with anyone before a public redesign of US strategy.
And now in this Rolling Stone report, "The Runaway General" (pdf), McChrystal and his team are reported ridiculing Joe Biden, Richard Holbrooke, Jim Jones, just about everyone not in their groove on strategy.
McChrystal has gone over too many lines.
Obama needs to fire him. If he doesn't, McChrystal's brand will be validated and the environment of insubordination and unprofessional conduct will be reinforced.
If McChrystal survives his White House encounter, then Obama will be diminished.
That is what this has come to.
-- Steve Clemons directs the American Strategy Program at the New America Foundation, publishes the popular political blog, The Washington Note, and is editor-at-large at Talking Points Memo

TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 2010

Friday, June 11, 2010

Barbara Louise Holmes

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Happy Forest - Bubba Heads On Patrol

LIMON CO (IFS) Barbara Louise Holmes, keeps pushing the envelope for first time authors, as she currently is releasing the HAPPY FOREST- Bubba Heads On Patrol, her second book, and her first children book for preschoolers. A native of Quincy, MA, and long time resident of Limon, CO, the young Holmes has set her book writing talents into motion and pure fun again. One of her characters in Happy Forest, is Toby Turtle. There just happens to be a Toby Turtle television show video made in 1983 with Scatman Crothers. Holmes had a chance to provide sponsorship to this great piece of children work from many years ago.

KDTN BlogTalk Radio interview with Barbara Louise Holmes

Listen to internet radio with KDTN Radio One on Blog Talk Radio

Barbara Louise Holmes - The Mini Book Tour

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Happy Forest Series of Children Books Opens with the Classic - The Great Race

LIMON CO (IFS) SBE Enterprises wasted no time at all as the second publication from Barbara Louise Holmes's Collection of Children Stories hit the market. Just so happens a classic Toby Turtle episode from the Great Moments in History Series featured the late great Scatman Crothers from 1983. Holmes' ad supports the cast as it gently moves into the Visit Beethoven set. Very funny for kids.